
decision making

thinking skills

not rules and fear!


(and soon to be for independent schools too)

Now more than ever it is obvious that young people need clear and effective consent education. 

Countless stories have hit recent media that have demonstrated the CRISIS POINT a lot of schools are facing when navigating this conversation with their students, both in physical and online environments. 

Rather than facilitating a reactive narrative, this proactive three part series seeks to provide values-based consent education from a CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE. This resource will equip your students to make safe and educated relationship decisions that honour one another in the process. 

Get god & consent course now

We would love to partner with you in equipping your students to make wise and well informed decisions.

Consent & God
Every year


  • 3 Short Session Starter Videos - designed to introduce each concept and be a springboard for the discussion and activities you will engage with

  • Comprehensive PDF lesson plans and complementary resources

  • Action-reflection activities with clear teaching outcomes

  • Real-world and recent Australian case studies

  • Parent resource bundle to ensure clear parent partnership and resourcing (from beginning to end)

  • Compatible with the Australian Curriculum

3 empowering focuses:

  • Consent & God

  • Consent & the online world

  • Consent & alcohol


to create safe, educated, & honest conversations about Kingdom identity & sexuality for youth & young adults of faith


Course FAQ

    1. Warm up activity

    2. Watch the God and Consent video for that week

    3. Group discussion

    4. Hero activity

    5. Concluding discussion

  • The God and Consent Course is designed to give teachers a facilitated approach to the consent conversation. God and Consent is video-based with relatable topics and activities that assists young people to think through their approach to consent so that they are equipped for real world situations.

    This resource is created from a Biblical perspective and allows you to provide meaningful faith conversations and learning that is accessible for all.

  • While we uphold a mainstream Christian belief, we offer an explorative cultural analysis of both secular and church environments. Our workshops are designed to help participants explore what they believe and provide frameworks and discussion to do so. Participants do not need to be a Christian to benefit from our program, however we always share God's good design for us in each workshop.

  • We are very aware of how sensitive the topics we discuss are and take great care to equip the communities that we are working with to continue the conversations we start.

    We have an incredibly experienced and qualified team. Our Co-Founder, Georgia, has over a decade of experience in parachurch and parish-based youth ministry, has worked as a chaplain in several schools, and has attended bible college. Our other founder, Lauren, is a registered teacher and Wellbeing Coordinator at a Christian school with a Bachelor of Teaching (Outreach and Community Education), a Diploma of Mental Health and a Diploma in Alcohol and Other Drugs.

    Additionally, our team is made up of psychologists, teachers, youth pastors, bible college students, social workers, nurses, and more. Everyone on the team is a committed, active Christian and all follow our child safety compliance policies.

    You can read up more on our child safety policies and our team at our website bkt.org.au.

  • Our God & Consent sessions go for 60 minutes.

  • You need a whiteboard, markers, a screen with sound to display the video and slides, and yourself!

  • Yes! This resource is created from a Biblical perspective and allows you to provide meaningful faith conversations and learning that is accessible for all. It references several biblical passages and concepts throughout the series.

  • This resource is recommended for year levels 8-12.

  • Australian Curriculum- HPE

    Year 7/8

    1. Practise and apply strategies to seek help for themselves or others (ACPPS072 - Scootle )

    2. Investigate the benefits of relationships and examine their impact on their own and others’ health and wellbeing (ACPPS074 - Scootle )

    Year 9/10

    1. Plan, rehearse and evaluate options (including CPR and first aid) for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety and wellbeing may be at short or long term risk (ACPPS091 - Scootle )

    2. Propose, practise and evaluate responses in situations where external influences may impact on their ability to make healthy and safe choices (ACPPS092 - Scootle )

    Australian Curriculum- Personal and Social Capability

    By end of Year 8

    • examine influences on and consequences of their emotional responses in learning, social and work related contexts

    • assess, adapt and modify personal and safety strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence

    • acknowledge the values, opinions and attitudes of different groups within society and compare to their own points of view

    • identify indicators of possible problems in relationships in a range of social and work related situations

    • assess individual and group decision making processes in challenging situations

    By end of Year 10

    • reflect critically on their emotional responses to challenging situations in a wide range of learning, social and work-related contexts

    • articulate their personal value system and analyse the effects of actions that repress social power and limit the expression of diverse views

    • explain how relationships differ between peers, parents, teachers and other adults, and identify the skills needed to manage different types of relationships

  • The topic of sexual and gender diversity has been one that has ripped through the Australian and Christian landscape in recent years. It is a topic that Christian young people want to be informed about and given a safe space to discuss. We want to raise a generation of Christians who step into big conversations with confidence in the Gospel.

    To achieve this, within our general workshops we seek to facilitate and strengthen participants in their independent thinking and research of such topics. We provide a framework built around the heart of God, that aims to equip our audience instead of dictating a list of rights and wrongs.

    We do not unpack gender and sexual diversity in our School Program workshops as it deserves to be explored with time and intention. This is why we have created the BKT Roadmap. 

    The BKT Roadmap is a therapeutically informed, legally sound program for Christian communities. This program does not champion a particular theological view, or “destination”, but is focused on building skills of active listening, robust conversations, critical thinking, and Biblical literacy, i.e., “how to drive” and “what to pack”. The BKT Roadmap exists to equip communities with the skills they require to have conversations in a healthy, safe, and ongoing way. 

    If you are interested in this program, please sign up to our mailing list at bkt.org.au/bktroadmap. The program will commence in 2025.


The Big Kids’ Table founders and directors, Georgia and Lauren, grew up in the church and after a decade spent in their respective fields, Christian high school education, wellbeing and youth ministry, they realised something profound: Christians can really suck at talking about sex and relationships!

Now, four years since BKT was born, the BKT directors and their amazing team spend their week tackling the curly topics of God, sex, relationships, and everything in-between.